
What's Doc2Quiz?

Doc2Quiz is a question generation tool.  It automatically generates multiple choice questions from your educational documents.

Why use Doc2Quiz?

Creating quality educational questions ( learning check / quiz / assessment / assignment / etc.) can be time consuming.  Doc2Quiz expedites the process of creating quality questions, increasing the size of question banks, and freeing up time for other high priority tasks.

It can also be a great tool for any educators who have ever experienced writers block while writing questions.  Let the AI get you over the hump, and spend more time editing questions into their perfect form.

How to use Doc2Quiz

It’s as simple as:

  1. Upload a file
  2. Download questions

You can then import those questions into your learning platform or tool of choice.



Doc2Quiz is incredibly straight forward. It only takes a few clicks to get quality questions for your material.


Doc2Quiz can generate a hundred questions per minute. Spend your valuable time editing questions instead of writing them.


Doc2Quiz leverages OpenAI's ChatGTP technology to offer cutting-edge intelligence with question generation.


Doc2Quiz supports a variety of upload formats, including but not limited to PDF, Word Docs, and CSV.


Doc2Quiz produces standardized question bank import files that are compatible with major tools and learning platforms.

Cost Effective

It costs fractions of a cent per question, and almost none of your valuable time.


We are here every step of the way. We will do what it takes to make you successful.


We host our tools in the cloud using Google Cloud Platform to deliver impeccable levels of up-time and scaling.


We take security and privacy seriously. We do what it takes to protect the interests of you and your users.

Continuous Improvement

We believe in continuous innovation. We are committed to perpetual improvement of our products and services.


Every tool in UBE's Suite can be accessed via web services for deep integrations.

Flexible Pricing

We don't want pricing plans to be a barrier for success. We work with our customers to define a pricing structure that works for them.

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